The Perfect Office Thanksgiving Celebration
November 24, 2020
Starting the New Year Off Right
December 31, 2020The Richline Family of companies has had a phenomenal year. Despite this being the “Year of Indelible Experience,” humankind globally had walked a path like none before. Our new normal is emerging day by day – yet the enormous challenges, many have also experienced an exponential increase in our understanding, network connections, and priority focus.
I am grateful to each of you for our professional collaborations and your trust in RichLine Solutions, Brand Experts, and Missions of Success with your visional projects.
We are closing our offices from December 14, 2020, through January 8, 2021, for our annual Winter Sabbatical. This time of renewal, retooling, and refocus allows me, our staff, and vendors time to ready ourselves for the fresh flow of creativity and opportunities for the coming year.
A sabbatical is “a carefully planned period in which a person is granted leave away from their usual responsibilities to spend an extended time in rest, renewal, and refreshment.” This cessation of work is intended to provide physical rest, spiritual renewal, and overall refreshment.
First, like several other vocations, my calling requires spiritual vitality. For my business endeavors to continue thriving and to remain a faithful CEO, I must master the busyness.
Second is the nature of the work. Working progressively at the complex tasks of caring for the business of branding others, developing client business product portfolios, addressing who they are or who you want to become, maturing in my business acumens as well as leading projects and people, requires an energy that is not purely physical or mental.
The third reason for sabbatical is relational and business health. I desire to avoid falling into a state of dutiful business. That is where you become subject to simply going through the motions with clients and vendors. By God’s grace, I have avoided this trap thus far. It’s time to recalibrate in a sustained way by taking this time away.
May I ask that you pray regarding the things I’ve shared, not only for me but for the flourishing of every relationship connected to Richline Solutions, Brand Experts, RichLine Agency, and Missions of Success, all to the glory of God.
I wish you and your family a holiday rich in fellowship and restoration as you reflect on the goodness enjoyed by all.