5 Factors to Consider for the Perfect Holiday Party
December 11, 2019We Shall Not Be Denied
March 11, 2020Whatever your background, there’s a strength that has got you this far. It’s imperative that you examine yourself and circumstances to identify what makes you different. As the person in charge, your opinion takes up more space in the office culture than others’. Which is why being aware of your character type, and the strengths and weaknesses you possess, can improve your business and leadership ability.
Are you a Fixer, Fighter, or a Friend?
Fixer …
Gift – Fixers are consummate professionals, considered artists in their chosen craft. They take the time to complete every task with excellence.
Challenge – The desire for control and order blinds them to the untidier, personal, and human components of leading a team.
Journey – Fixers need to learn to let go of the need for too much control and of being the one in charge of the organization’s quality control.
Fighter …
Gift – Fighters see opportunities for improvement—in everything and everywhere, always pushing for things to get better. Naturally inspiring, idealistic, and have a gift for seeing the potential in others.
Challenge – Struggles to see the value of the little things and reluctant to go to the next step because they fear being sidetracked from implementing their next idea.
Journey – Fighters accept the world as it is and need to learn that change happens with small steps and ongoing improvement. Build up the muscle of going to the next step, to realize it doesn’t take away creativity but liberates it.
Friend ….
Gift – Friends value human relationships and encouraging others. Believes everyone deserves a second chance and has the heart to grant it.
Challenge – Their team misses the necessary element of good authority: being willing to stand for the thing that needs to change and holding team members accountable.
Journey – Friends need to deepen their relationships outside of work, so they need less friendship from the people on their team.
RichLine Solutions is here to make sure you know your leadership style, its gift, challenge, and journey. Connect with us at info.richlinesolutions@gmail.com and let us know how this blog helped you lead better.